oh hey, friday!

and oh hey, california!

that's right! i'm in sunny windy // rainy california visiting my seeeeester, her hubs, and my sweety-sweet niece, reese. or as kaye calls her - reesey poo-poo.

i left the farmer and my two best gals on the farm, so i have every intention of sleeping in past my normal 5 am wakeup call...6 am. doesn't that sound glorious?

so when i'm waking up...maybe you all should be linking up! get busy.

1 | grab this here snazzy fall-themed button and link back to Sept. Farm.
2 | link up your post at the bottom of this post.
3 | tell all your friends + have a fantastic friday.

M Y  F I V E - a little recap

1 | recipes!

a few weeks ago i was chatting about how i really needed to jazz things up in the kitchen. i pinned five new recipes i wanted to try and i got busy!
so far i've made three of the five and i'm here to tell you about it. 
these tacos. yuuuuummmmm! they are spicy, but not too spicy. the cilantro cream dressing is delicious. everything about them...devour. 
i did make a few substitutions -
 + instead of sour cream i used greek yogurt
 + instead of corn tortillas i used whole grain
this fish. i'm telling you. if you get a chance to make this...do. do 1000000 times. i'm a big fan. my farmer is a big fan. and even my two best gals enjoy some salmon. we paired it with the quinoa and i'd say it's a pretty impressive meal to serve. 
this soup. i can't say enough BAD things about this soup. it's only redeeming quality was when i cooked the bacon. my farmer couldn't even stomach it. and he's a farmer. a hungry farmer at that. i can honestly say (to my knowledge) it's the only thing i've cooked that he hasn't liked. it was truly terrible. 
2 | ummm...did you see? i dedicated an entire post to offer up some design services! have a set of business cards been on your radar? let's do it! $40 get's you a front and backer custom design. i'll send you the print file and you can print at the place of your choosing. just like that! questions? e-mail me!
3 | on wednesday i was writing all about my creative energies being snatched right up from this blog space and being poured into my design work...and it's making me a touch sad. so i thought...time to bust out of the creative funk excuse and put together a list of sure-fire post ideas that are fun reads on topics i'd be happy to write about! and then i shared the list with all of you. because that's what we do. help each other out. 
want to see that list? click here.

4 |  (i miss my farmer and my best gals...already. but that's nothing a little champagne and brunch on a friday morning can't fix!) cheers! clink! clink! 
feel free to follow my california adventures on the snapchat - @karli-bell or
follow me on the instagram - @farmerbell
5 | a new way to advertise
it's that time again. group giveaway. do you have #blogginggoals? yeah...me too. this month i'm considering focusing in on growing one specific social media outlet. so why not try one of those instagram loop dealy-bobs?! the catch is...it's an investment. i'm just going to put it out there. i'm looking for NINE like-minded women who are ready to put down some mula. as in each of us throws in $50 for a $500 cash giveaway. the beauty of it is - it's small enough to be personal! but a big enough prize to pack a punch. know what i'm saying?! i'm lowering my group giveaway ad space to just $5 this month to cover the ad on my sidebar as well as the time it will take to put the loop together. other than that...i think we'll see some serious traffic! so...who wants in? to loop or not to loop? that is the question. buy your group giveaway ad space for $5 HERE
TOTAL INVESTMENT - $55 (for the gal who wants to see her numbers jump!)

and that's that! another oh hey, friday! in the books!
link up!
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