the gift that keeps on giving

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
after my little blast from the past post yesterday i received a facebook message. the message was from my childhood best friend's husband. he had a special little treat in that message and now i'm sharing. please enjoy.

*please note the "cool butterfly."
*please note the thumb in my face.
*please note how AMAZING my childhood best friend's buttery fly was.

a treat from the past

Monday, January 30, 2012
did. you. know:

1. my sissa kelli and i used to take dance lessons?
2. my face used to be abnormally long and my cheeks were chubby for miles?
3. kelli was incredibly graceful and i was super duper rigid?
4. during our dance recital i couldn't keep my thumb out of my mouth?
5. even after i grew out of my dance costume i wore it for years and years because i liked how soft and silky the fabric was?
6. kelli was super tall and super duper skinny?
7. our mom let us wear make-up for dance recitals?
8. i was ridiculously jealous of kelli's tutu? who wouldn't be? i was stuck with that lace mu mu. i'm still ticked off about it.
9. kelli got to do tap and i was stuck with some lame modern dance? i was so jealous of her tap shoes. during my modern dance i decided to do my "own thing" and invented the popular dance move "cool butterfly" while everyone else was doing the actual choreography.
10. kelli later took those tap shoes and danced on a very expensive chess board? she broke it. she got in trouble.

i broke my leg

Friday, January 27, 2012
happy weekend, ya'll! okay, so i didn't break my leg, but i will be testing my ski legs for the first time this season. in anticipation for tomorrows activities, here is a photo before both my legs are broken this weekend:

don't ya'll worry. sissa kelli has since purchased a helmet. we ski safe. these little snaps were taken last year at the canyons in park city. it's just bea-u-ti-ful out there. but this weekend we'll see how breckenridge treats us.

ya know what the real pisser is? we got this screamin' deal from southwest on flights to denver. $50 smacks each way. farmer and me grew more and more excited as idaho refused to precipitate. however, as our trip to denver approached, the snow finally arrived in our great state and dumped. in the words of my farmer, "it was like sugar." (don't worry, i made fun of him for that. sugar? apparently it's a commonly used term in snow-world.) he played every day in that "sugar" until we had to catch our flight to denver.

we arrived wednesday night and yesterday it was 58 degrees. i was ditching clothing like a **** in church. too far? but seriously, it was toasty. definitely no need for the down jacket and scarf i started out with. and in case you were wondering- yes, i did pit out this blue, denim shirt:

real REAL sweaty. denim isn't the most breathable fabric.

rumor has it the snow is supposed to head our way today. we'll need it for our ski adventures this weekend.

please wish my knees good luck on the slopes and wish me good luck with this guy. why does he always look like he's up to no good?

look at all that hair! farmer needs a trim. aaaaand he's going to kill me for putting this picture up.
enjoy the weekend!

wrapping paper saver - pin of the week

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

PINNING! (said like charlie sheen says, "WINNING!" ya'll know what i'm talking about, right? winning?)

confession: i'm a bad pinner. but what i do love? finding all the other most excellent pins. as i scroll through the pages of pins, i enthusiastically nod my head and think over and over, "great idea!" and "what a no-brainer!" and "it's so simple!"

confession: i haven't actually tried any of the pins i've found. i need a 25th and 26th hour in the day. but now that i'm sleeping 12 hours a day those 25th and 26th hours wouldn't really help anything. moving on.

raise your hand if you are self-diagnosed with a minor (or major) case of OCD. i have two hands raised. it makes it hard to type.

in honor of OCD (severe and minor), i pin thee:

i bet all your wrapping paper is put away, but doesn't it make you cringe when you see it looking like this? it sends me right into anxious sweating.

it drives me positively nutty. however, to keep it all nice and perfect, all you have to do is this:

adorable paper.

so simple! i would probably put one on each end to protect the paper from becoming frayed. right?

now quick - go unroll a roll of TP so you can cut some TP cardboard.

this was pinned by my dear, sweet cathie. thanks lady! but the idea was snagged from this website:

sleep schedule

Monday, January 23, 2012
saturday night i slept from 10 pm - 8:30 am (10.5 hours)
sunday morning i slept from 9:30 - 11 am (1.5 hours)
and again from 11:30 am - 1 pm (1.5 hours)
and again from 1:30 - 2:30 pm (1 hour)
and then i managed to stay away from 2:30 until my 10 pm bedtime. so from 10 pm - 6:30 am i rested my sweet, sleepy eyes (8.5 hours).

can someone diagnose what's wrong with me?

there's always next week

Sunday, January 22, 2012
a bruneau sunset - too legit to quit.
weird. farmer was right on. i didn't quite hit some of my goals this week. damn. any guesses on how many crunches i actually did?

1,650. that's just 3,350 short of my goal. i came real real real close-like, eh? shall we call this one a fail? probably. the kicker? it wasn't even that hard to get 1,650. there are dozens of times throughout the day that i could bust out 200 crunches. just drop to the floor and crunch it out. (i have that phrase trademarked. don't try and steal it.) i mean, i could crunch it out right now. but that would defeat my goal of doing 100% nothing today. so far, i've been incredibly successful.

stretching. well, i did stretch. once. that's because i ran one time this week. sick. i guess i definitely have something to shoot for this coming week, and it won't be hard to beat. we'll call this one a WIN. stretching is stretching and my hip doesn't hurt.

my poor farmer. i didn't plan our valentine's day treat. i just really didn't have a lot of opportunity. we were kind of on the go constantly last week and i'm exhausted. hence - not doing one single productive thing today. my favorite chair has a permanent karli shape. the fabric is threadbare from overuse. let's face it. i didn't put pants on today. it's sunday fun day! no pants required.

on that new goals:

  1. oh, i bet you thought i wasn't going to try to do the 5,000 crunches again. you were right. i'm going to shoot for 3,000. baby steps.
  2. since my running this past week was abysmal, i'm going to shoot for 20 miles this week. i've totally got this.
  3. find a glorious chandelier to go over our stairs - people...i need your help. i'm open to all suggestions. but i'm probably more interested in something simple. no crystal-ish, sparkly bizz-nass. i'm more looking for a style that is off the cuff. non-traditional. does anyone know of any fantastic lighting websites? please oh please shoot me your suggestions. i've reached desperation. oh, and if you could also tell me the largest amount you would spend on a chandelier, that would be great. farmer and i are having a bit of a budget disagreement. if you would be so kind as to leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail, that would be fab. 
okay people. attack the week.

pin of the week

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
has anyone ever tried a microdermabrasian at the dermatologist or a spa? i haven't. i'm pretty cheap. and when i say cheap i mean cheap. or we could say frugal. thrifty. penny-pincher? for example:

two days ago i was noticing just how rotten my hair was looking. it needs a color touch-up as well as a trim. split-ends are taking over my head. well, why would i pay for someone to cut my hair when i have perfectly capable hands and kitchen shears? and so, i trimmed my hair right on up. i have no clue what the back looks like and there are probably some jagged edges, but i'm content. however, last time i did this, one of my favorite gals (amanda b.) who has made my hair more than it should ever be for over nine years now, made endless fun of me. she was cutting my hair, stopped suddenly, "karli, did you cut your hair again?" she proceeded to point out the inch and a half difference all the way around my head. she laughed, but i saved $20.

ps. amanda...i need to come see you asap to get things the same color and evened up before you become a nurse and leave me forever.

i'm cheap. but then i ran across this pin of the week (thanks liz!) and i have to say i'm intrigued. i would NEVER pay for someone to give me a microdermabrasian, but i just may be  crazy enough to do it to myself!

what is a microdermabrasian?

in my own words: the technician takes a machine and shoots a diamond-tip something or other and it exfoliates the shiza out of your skin. it's supposed to soften fine lines and wrinkles, smooth the skin, decrease pore size, and decrease the appearance of scarring and age spots. sounds good, right? i need all of those things and i'm only 28.

basically if you pay them between $100 - $150 (but i bet it can be way WAY more) you'll look like this:

look at the glow! i want to look like her. i want my skin to look glowy and dewy and like perfection.

so wudduya say? shall we? let's get our microdermabrasian on. sure. if ya'll could try this and let me know how it goes (did your face fall off? did you break out? do you look like perfection?), that would be fab.


fair as fair isle

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
fair as fair isle

i need to get my hands on these tights IMMEDIATELY! immediately. i feel like there is a window in which fair isle is appropriate. this window slams probably somewhere around late february/early march.

have i mentioned i love LOVE polyvore. just one more time suck added to the list.

it's about that time

Sunday, January 15, 2012
cute, little yearling i found wondering in the corn field below our house
last week i wrote about how resolutions are just like goals and blahbitty blah blah. whatever. while i'll always have those goals in the back of my mind i feel really good about continuing to set short-term goals weekly. keeps me focused. on my toes. always thinkin'.

with that message in mind, my mid-january goals if you please:
  1. stretch after i run - i have this aching, throbbing pain in my right hip. i'm convinced it's because i never ever never ever stretch. one time i stretch my hamstrings and the throbbing stopped. but i hate stretching. hate. it. i also hate lifing weights but that's for another sunday. i get annoyed even thinking about stretching or lifting. but, back to the throbbing pain; my hip aches. i'm 85 years old. it hurts when i sit and even when i lay on my right side at night. fine, i'll stretch this week.
  2. work the abs - i don't remember the last time i did a crunch. it shows. you know how bellies are super cute on babies? i'm not a baby. i have a belly. i'm going to do 5000 crunches this week. when i told my farmer about this goal he scoffed. SCOFFED! he quickly followed with, "you're going to have to do ab ripper x twice a day for seven days plus a few more." well farmer...that's why i set goals. bring it.
  3. valentine's day - plan a super de duper special valentine's day for my farmer. people, than man rocks my socks off.
have a dandy of a week. my abs hurt.

go running because you look cute

Saturday, January 14, 2012
i fully intend to put on an outfit very similar to this (just not as cute) and go for my long run in the morning. i guess because i wrote it i have to do it, right? fine.

go running because you look cute

let's get caught up: christmas party, tikker style

Friday, January 13, 2012
so-o. in a different time and world my farmer was an engineer. i've told you this. that's when i met him in the big city. i worked for an architecture firm that did work with farmer's place of employment. we played in a golf tournament together and fell in love...or something like that.

we-ellll, allow me to introduce my farmer's first boss (out of college). bobby t! (he doesn't know i call him that.)

he's a great, great man. salt of the earth.

now, my farmer stopped working for bobby t. about four years ago (that's a guess) so that my farmer could become a farmer, buy a farm and start farming. follow that?

guess what bobby t. does for my farmer and me? he keeps inviting us back to the infamous tikker christmas party! isn't he a saint!? i think he knows it's my one opportunity a year to put a dress on, comb my hair and generally have decent hygiene for the evening. it's oodles of fun and full of laughs with just about the best people ever. seriously, my farmer's old co-workers are rock stars. love 'em.

every year at the tikker christmas party there is a white elephant gift exchange, delicious food, some beverage partaking, and general shenanigans. this year was no different. we started the evening off with some of this:

this gal is married to the fella below (not my farmer). farmer and fella worked together at tikker.
farmer definitely didn't plan on gal and me becoming besties...or their entire family being in our wedding. 
total creepers.
then it escalated to this:

at this point we were ready for some gift opening/exchanging/stealing:

see the guy on the shirt? that's my farmer in a picture of himself wearing a shirt doing a face impression of a guy making a face and then otto put this shirt on and made the face. what? needless to say, nobody stole this gift.

nobody stole this gift either:

it's a bust of abe lincoln. where do you get stuff like this? well, honest abe was all over the place for the rest of the night.

 it really was a fabulouso evening. bobby t, thank you so much! i promise i won't fall asleep for the third year in a row next year...if we get invited back...which i doubt we will...after i stole everyones dessert...and refused to leave until my plate was clean...and stuffed the mini doughnuts in my purse.

it's polyvore, ya'll!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
have ya'll heard of polyvore?'s pretty awesome. basically you can search/pick out all these different clothes and put them together with accessories and shoesies to create an outfit. it's like virtual barbie with an unlimited closet. i tried my hand at it and me likey. and while it wasn't as difficult as standing in front of my closet trying to pick something out, i still did some stress-sweating. hate. that.

so, in honor of the little ski trip the farmer and i are taking (yes, farmer skis!), i put together the following outfit. i'll call it: ski lodge date. i'm picturing myself eating a bacon cheeseburger and sippin' on a delish IPA after a fab day on the ski hill. i'm still not sure why i have aviators pictured, because i'm pretty sure by the time you got off the ski hill it would be dark outside. but i just really love my new aviators.

ski lodge date

pin of the week

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
so, umm...i may not be the best cooker, shaker, maker, baker in the world. but what i lack in skill i make up for in effort...and love. that's right. every little recipe i make has oodles of love...or something like that. but maybe, if i work really hard, one day i can replace all that love with skill and prepare full meals. my farmer can only take so much more salad. seriously, that's what he told me last night. but for now, we'll start with the simple are of baking chocolate chip cookies. yum.

thank you to dear, sweet cathie for pinning this weeks pin of the week!

in honor of my lack of ability, the pin of the week is about baking cookies and how to know what you did to eff them up. i had NO idea there were so many ways to mess up cookies. for example, when you pulled them from the oven and you saw that they were _____ (flat, overcooked, didn't spread, spread too much, crispy, etc.). this little post will solve all those problemos. nice.

my cookies usually look like #4 but they still taste yum.
 so check it,  yo:

disclaimer: if i ever, EVER offer to make dessert, turn it down immediately. there is a really solid chance my hands have been all over that recipe and i've eaten half the batter or dough.

UPDATE: i warned you

Monday, January 09, 2012
so, hopefully you were able to watch that little vid. i posted the other day about those two adorb. british girls who are obsessed with nicki minag (well, at least the one little girl is obsessed. the other seemed underwhelmed. or maybe just so shocked she couldn't speak?)

did you get the song stuck in your head?
can you think of anything you've ever been so excited for in your entire life?
do you kind of wish your kids had brittish accents?

(yes, yes, yes)

anyway, the very next day those two little girls went to toys r us and did some light shopping. enjoy.

i resolve

Sunday, January 08, 2012

i've been thinking, considering, stewing over what i want my resolutions to be this year. i have a few ideas, some better than others, that's for sure. but when i really got down to it, what are resolutions?


  1. A firm decision to do or not to do something.

at least this is what google says. sounds to me like the word resolution is just a fancy way to say, "i'm going to set a goal," no matter how complex or simple. so then you have all these people declaring their resolutions on 01.01 each year. and there is a really solid chance those resolutions will eventually have a one-way ticket to the back-burner. so rather than all the pressure of the 01.01 resolutions, let's call it what it is: goal-setting.
the way i see it, i was kind of doing resolutions weekly anyway, right?  
here are my goals:
  1. make healthy meals for dinner. i'm really REALLY going to do this. maybe it will be easier in my new kitchen! i ache for that kitchen...and the dishwasher...and a microwave. did you know we don't have a dishwasher or microwave?
  2. eat out less. i was thinking about how much my farmer and i eat out. it's a lot. an embarrassing amount. last week we ate at smoky mountain, goodwood, a local eatery, wendy's and burger king. i feel sick just thinking about this.
  3. read more which will directly affect the amount of television i watch. less t.v. some books on my reading list, you ask? 
    1. Back to Work by Bill Clinton
    2. Bossy Pants by Tina Fey
    3. Some books by Chelsea Handler because she's real REAL funny. 
  4. farmer resolves to gain 18 pounds and run a 30-miler for his 30th birthday in september. (sounds like any oxymoron to me.)
  5. together we resolve to learn spanish by next winter. 
that's it. best of luck to you all as you man-handle your resolutions. show them who's bossy pants.

i warned you

Saturday, January 07, 2012
have you seen this video? if you haven't, consider yourself warned. a few things are going to happen:

  1. you will most definitely have super bass by nicki minaj stuck in your head for, at the very least, several hours. boom ba doom doom boom ba doom doom ay. (my own interpretation.)
  2. you're probably going wish you had a little girl like this to just take with you places. she's hi-larious. a real kick in the pants.
  3. you'll get chills. i got chills, so you better get chills.

i'll post a follow up video to this tomorrow. get excited.

labor of love

Friday, January 06, 2012 case anyone was wondering/were getting concerned about my sanity (which is long-gone) regarding me braving the winter winds in the single-wide, just LOOK at this!!!
grainy cellphone photo...sorry!
but this is the view of the kitchen as of last night. WOOP! the hardwood should be all finished today. oh. em. gee. HARDWOOD! pay no attention to the trim work that i neglected in the corner. cabinets will be covering that right on up.

update: i snappy-snapped this little photo during lunch!

consider me loco that the only thing i want to do is take a mop to these floors. 

brag time: in case you really want to be impressed please note that my farmer and his uncle installed all of this.

an equation: does my farmer + installed hardwood floors = love?

yes. consider me head over heels.

pinterest pin of the week

Thursday, January 05, 2012
i'm going to be starting something new today. basically i'll be informing all you 10 people who read this blog (make that nine if you don't count my farmer) of my very most favorite pin of the week on PINTEREST! WOOP!

dear, sweet mother...tell me you've heard of pinterest. it is da bomb-diggity. it is really awesome. get's a time suck. magic.

for my very first pin of the week, i had to dig deep into a personal problem. this particular problem is even worse than the hairs that grow from the beauty marks on my face or my unibrow. it keeps me from wearing certain colors and also forces me to strategically dress. one time, in an interview, it forced me to awkwardly shake my future boss' and co-worker's hands because i could never actually lift my arm.
i'm a sweater.

no, not a sweater:

a sweater:

it's nothing to be ashamed of. it even happens to halle berry when she visits the ellen show.

so when my sissa (kelli of denver) was here this past week, we were browsing (time-suck) through her pinterest boards and i said, "whoa, whoa. pump the brakes." she had pinned a pit-stains removal tutorial! apparently it's like this "magic" cleaning solution. now, i'll admit, between building a house, picking up after my farmer, not cooking dinner and not puting pants on...i'm a busy gal. i haven't actually tried this. but god knows i need to. NEED to.

here ya go:
sweaty-betty be damned. i'm going to try this asap. i've ruined too many a white shirt.

it was a rough friday

Tuesday, January 03, 2012
hey-oooo! guess what happened thursday night? i went to sleep at about 8:30 pm. i was sleepy. then, when i woke up at 6:30 am the next morning i stumbled around for about 20 minutes: confused, disoriented, blind. it. was. rough to say the least.

then the sun came through the dusty, single-wide windows and my sissa (kelli of denver) asked, "what are you wearing?" i didn't know. i got dressed in the dark. 

in a stroke of inspiration, i channelled sydney of the daybook and sissa snapped a few photos. mmm. lookin' good!


sweater: farmer's skull candy; sweatpants: american eager; socks: smartwood; headband: prana
you're welcome.

what did santa bring?

Monday, January 02, 2012
pretty please take a moment to share your most favorite christmas present of all time. i have several because my farmer really spoiles the dickens out of me. he really really does!

paige frye boots!

technogym treadmill!

liquid logic remix!
that farmer is one heck of a gift giver. i can't even believe what a lucky gal i am.

three hips for my farmer: hip hip hip!

ps. i'll resume with sunday fun day next sunday. get excited. i have all sorts of lofty resolutions/goals for the new year.
